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Providing a transparent tool for identifying relevant company debates

Proxy voting

Launching an active proxy voting campaign in 2022

Driving change

Engagement is a vital tool for financial institutions to create impact in the real economy

Together with our partners at HAN ETF and with the help of Glass Lewis, iClima is launching its first proxy voting campaign in Spring 2022. The campaign will be the result of detailed analysis of company performance and upcoming resolutions.

Engagement is one of the most powerful tools available to the financial community, and we intend to leverage our position to drive forward impactful solutions, while ensuring that broader social and environmental goals are not compromised in a blinkered pursuit of decarbonisation.

See our tool below for information on past and upcoming company resolutions.

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We can solve the biggest problems society faces such as mitigating climate change, adapting the world to an already 1.1 degree warmer climate

Doing well by doing good

Sustainability is the investment opportunity of our lifetime. An unprecedented value creation cycle that is also the path to prosperity and regeneration.

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